WELCOME TO MY BLOG! The point of this blog is to produce a portfolio of three productions including a music video (main text) plus two ancillary texts:- a digipack and a magazine advertisement for the digipak. We have all come up with our music video ideas independantly.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
AN - Filming difficulties :(
Despite having a plan as seen in my previous
blog post, we have encountered filming difficulties concerning the
actors. We were suppose to be filming on Friday 23rd December, but due
to the actors being busy doing Christmas related activities we couldn't
film. However, if we manage to get some of the actors this week we might
and try to film some footage before we go back. If this isn't the case,
we'll just have to film during January despite exams.
AN - Production schedual
During the Christmas holidays we will be doing
some filming for our Media coursework so that we can begin to edit and
start working on our digipaks and magazine adverts in January. As well
as dealing with exams of course!
Anyway, this Friday we'll be filming the boyfriend's aftermath of the breakup in Ilkley. We will only need James for this sequence, since Francesca (who plays the girlfriend) is away this week and Anna (the waitress) is busy on Friday we'll only be filming this part of the music video. We'll obtain the camera and tripod from Faye and Hattie (Haye Fattie) on the day, so that we have the equipment needed for filming and afterwards, we will pass the equipment onto George and Tom (2 Twigs) for them to use.
However, we will be doing some more filming next week in which hopefully all of our cast will return. With that said, we'll be filming most of the narrative sequence so that we don't have to do much filming during January because during that time we will primarily focus on filming the performance.
That's our schedule for the next two weeks, stay tuned for more updates and informative posts.
Merry Christmas!
Anyway, this Friday we'll be filming the boyfriend's aftermath of the breakup in Ilkley. We will only need James for this sequence, since Francesca (who plays the girlfriend) is away this week and Anna (the waitress) is busy on Friday we'll only be filming this part of the music video. We'll obtain the camera and tripod from Faye and Hattie (Haye Fattie) on the day, so that we have the equipment needed for filming and afterwards, we will pass the equipment onto George and Tom (2 Twigs) for them to use.
However, we will be doing some more filming next week in which hopefully all of our cast will return. With that said, we'll be filming most of the narrative sequence so that we don't have to do much filming during January because during that time we will primarily focus on filming the performance.
That's our schedule for the next two weeks, stay tuned for more updates and informative posts.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
AN - Digipak ideas
I have begun to come up with ideas of what
our group's digipak will look like. I have come up with the idea that
the digipak will have compartments for two discs rather than one and the
digipak will fold out into three panels with the track listing in
between the discs. The first disc will contain various songs by
Destiny's Child, while the second is a DVD which will contain all of the
vodcasts that we've done, behind the scenes footage, interviews with
the cast members and outtakes.
came up with the idea when looking around my DVD collection and found
the Team America/ Beavis & Butthead/Jackass the Movie collection and
noticed how it folded out and how three disc trays were used instead of
one. I then thought that if I used a similar design for the digipak,
then it would make it look more unique in comparison to other digipaks
of this day and age.

The cover of the product. |
This is what the product will look like when folded out. |
Here is how the set folds out. |
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Jonas Akerlund Case study.
'Jonas Akerlund is a well known Swedish film and music video director who has worked with stars such as Madonna especailly but also Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera , Pink, Matalica and Blink 182. His first music video that he directed was in 1988 with Candlemass - 'Bewitched' (see below). He is known for being quite controversial after a number of his videos, mamily including the ones he was involved with in Madonnas music including 'Music' and 'American Life' which featured scenes from the American at war with Iraq. As you can see in the table below he has become increasingly popular with Pop and R&B stars in recent years. It's not surprising that from his looks, before her bacame a director he was part of a Swedish 'Viking Metal' band called Bathory before the band split in 1984.
Candlemass - Bewitched...
was Akerlunds first work as a director back in 1988.
Podcast 4
In this podcast, we
talk about the animatic that I (Asa) created and go through some of the
scenes. As well as talking about some of the influences of it.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
AN - Our Animatic
Today, I finished working on the animated story board. I created it by drawing each sequence on twelve pieces of paper and added annotations. After that, I scanned the pictures onto a computer and put them into Windows Movie Maker along with the songs. Here is the animatic itself:
Monday, 12 December 2011
Change in Cast!
We have had found out today that Sammy Bullock (who was supposed to be playing the girlfriend) can no longer perform in our music video due to personal reasons according to Asa although we have found a replacement Anna Simpson (right), we chose her because she has long blonde hair and a slim figure this signifies feminity which is a convention we want to convey in our music video. We also thought she would 'go' in the band and not look out of place with the other members altthough we went for the post spice girl convention in which the cast have different identities and looks unlike pre spice girls bands.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Our lesson for the class about Narrative.
Today, we did our presentation on Narrative and digipaks in music videos. During the presentation, we talked about the different narrative theories and how digipaks are presented.
Narrative in music videos asa sophie katie
Narrative in music videos asa sophie katie
View more presentations from Alabzam
Thursday, 8 December 2011
AN - Final actor named

Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Podcast 3
In today's podcast, me and Sophie (with the absence of Katie) talk about the second set of sample footage we filmed which involved the girlfriend's aftermath of the break up. As well as that, we also talk about how the sample footage will help us in the making with our final product, along with the symbolic meaning of some parts of the video.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Blazing Grace ident

As you can see this is an old Barbie doll and the kind of image we hope to create although you cant actually see the clothing she's wearing in the image its just a sample of what we hope to achieve with are ident but better. The clothing we will dress her in will make her look essentially like a washed up stripper and just generally a mess, with all her clothing ripped up and maybe some pills lying around her when she's sat on the floor.This idea origionally came from the 'We Found Love' video by Rihanna when she is in the bath by herself we hope to use this as inspiration and put our barbie maybe in the bath with runned mascara this video is about drug use and relationships failing because of it to signify bad connotations of drug use to our audience of teens for our Destiny's Child video - Emotion.
Friday, 2 December 2011
More Footage 2
As we were unable to film some more sample footage on wednesday dude to bad weather conditions we delayed filming to today. We have no completed sample footage 2 and it should be edited and uploaded in the next few days. Franchesca, our female actor playing the girlfriend in out music video was unable to attend filming we decided to replace her with me for this one session.
As in our previous sample footage involving James, the boyfriend, we used a variety of shot types and took inspiration from the year aboves work last year when after a breakup the female character was spinning around in the street to signify disillusion. We also couldnt get the girl band members to attend as we shot the footage in lesson time so we had to make do with three boys (Jack Margerison as Michelle Williams, Harry Knight as Kelly Rowland and Ollie Moulton as Beyonce Knowles) wich was well interesting but we just shot it to see what they would look like against the white background we intend to use in our music video. Footage is currently being editing by us and will be uploaded shortly.
As in our previous sample footage involving James, the boyfriend, we used a variety of shot types and took inspiration from the year aboves work last year when after a breakup the female character was spinning around in the street to signify disillusion. We also couldnt get the girl band members to attend as we shot the footage in lesson time so we had to make do with three boys (Jack Margerison as Michelle Williams, Harry Knight as Kelly Rowland and Ollie Moulton as Beyonce Knowles) wich was well interesting but we just shot it to see what they would look like against the white background we intend to use in our music video. Footage is currently being editing by us and will be uploaded shortly.
Monday, 28 November 2011
More sample footage.


Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. Such packaging is less resistant to breaking like normal CD cases (jewel cases) so they tend not to break and crack.
Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc
replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturingrecommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating enabling them to look more professional like the Plastic jewel cases.
Although less vulnerable to cracking than a jewel case, the disc tray
inside the package remains brittle
and is prone to cracking if the package is crushed so most digipaks are fully made of card now replacing the plastic tray which is also more environmentally friendly enabling them to be recycled after use. Digipak-style cases
grew in popularity among record labels and recording artists in the 2000s.
Before, Digipaks were only available in large quantities. Although now AGI has recently introduced a new product called digipak i-create for the consumer market. Digipak i-create is a web-supported concept that is aimed at music, photo and creative markets enabling web design for manufacturers to pitch the idea to record companies.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
AN - Sample footage 2.

Like I said in this week's podcast, we've got an actor to play the girlfriend, Francesca Fox. By filming this footage, we'll be able to have an idea of what we'll be filming involving the scenes with the girlfriend.
Similar to the first scenario, the girlfriend will be walking around Ilkley feeling the depression of the breakup. For example, she will go into Caffe Nero and sit at a table all by herself. The footage will be sped up at one point to signify the passage of time.
Finally for the last set of the sample footage, we will get both sets of footage and put them into different frames. By doing this, we will be able to test out the split screen idea
Thursday, 24 November 2011
KM - Fish eye lense and stop motion.
In our music video, I suggested using either Fish Eye Lens or Stop motion.
The reason for this is because I have seen a few video's with these examples such as "Train - Hey Soul Sister"
Stop Motion
Stop motion (also known as stop action) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning. Motion animation using clay is called clay animation or clay-mation.
The reason for this is because I have seen a few video's with these examples such as "Train - Hey Soul Sister"
Stop motion (also known as stop action) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning. Motion animation using clay is called clay animation or clay-mation.
The term "stop motion", related to the animation technique, is often spelled with a hyphen (stop-motion).
Stop motion animation has a long history in film. It was often used to show objects moving as if by magic. The first instance of the stop motion technique can be credited to Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton for The Humpty Dumpty Circus (1897), in which a toy circus of acrobats and animals comes to life. In 1902, the film Fun in a Bakery Shop used the stop-trick technique in the "lightning sculpting" sequence. French trick film maestro Georges Méliès used true stop motion to produce moving title-card letters for one of his short films, but never exploited the process for any of his other films.
Websites that specify in Stop Motion.
There have been many videos uploaded to websites such as YouTube that either show you a step by step guide how to succeed in Stop Motion or have used it for their own personal use to produce some pretty impressive videos!
To include this in my video, I was wanting to use white T-shirts for the band members to wear with specific words such as "love" or "hurt" that can be seen through out the video in sync with the lyrics in the music. It just adds skills and differs from the 'typical' love/break-up songs that have been or are on the market in the music industry today.
Fish Eye Lens
A fisheye lens is a type of camera lens that has an ability to capture wide-angle images. In theory, the images captured using a fisheye lens will have a close similarity to how the image would look like viewed through the eyes of a fish. The center part of the image will appear normal or magnified, depending on the distance of the subject to the lens, while most of the parts of the background, including the edges of the image will appear bent and a bit distorted. Thus, the background elements in your composition will just be secondary most of the time. This is why it’s essential to decide on which part of the composition you want to focus in the photo.
The effect that a fisheye lens creates gives photographers a lot of room for creativity. The wide field of view of the fisheye lens will enable you to fit huge landscapes, or a large number of subjects in a single frame. In situations where a room is too cramped or too small, the wide field of view of the fisheye lens will make it possible for you to capture great images.
The first company in optical industry to develop a fisheye lens was the Nikon Corporation. Back then, fisheye lenses were used as a tool for meteorological research to capture cloud formations. Today, fisheye lenses have become very popular, not only among professional photographers, but also among photography hobbyists, due to the unique effect it produces.
There are two different types of fisheye lenses: the one that produces a photo with dark edges is called a circular fisheye lens, the other type of fisheye lens is called a full-frame fisheye lens, which does not produce images with dark edges.
Examples of fish eye pictures :
There are videos on line that can actually show your what to get so that you can make your own Fish eye lens.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Podcast 2!
This podcast is about the sample footage that we shot on Monday after school, this footage has now been uploaded to this blog. We talk about our boyfriend character played by James Newton.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Sample footage idea

Couple in split screen, an example of what we would show in our video.
An idea for the video was when the couple start to argue, and they finally walking away the screen will then split into two, and each character will have their own story and journey until they return to each other.
![]() |
Location, for split screen. |
For the sample footage we are focusing on the male characters side of the story after he has left the female character.
KM- About the band
Forming in 1997, Destiny's Child have had big hits such as
Bootylicious, Survivor, Independent Woman, Lose My Breath and many more.
![]() |
Australian Pop Sensation Samantha Sang!! |
I have always been a fan of their R&B style music, and this is one of the main reasons for picking there music to include for my music video.
The song Emotion was originally sung by an Australian pop singer Samantha sang in 1977, but then recorded as a slower-tempo version by Destiny's Child.
The music video featured a triple split-screen effect. Rowland on the left, Knowles in the center, and Williams on the right. Rowland is seen saying goodbye to her boyfriend before he leaves in a taxi. Knowles catches her boyfriend with another woman and runs around the house in tears. Williams is with her grandmother, who has died in her bed. At the end of the video Williams calls the other band members to her home. The three girls meet there and comfort each other. The screen returns to normal.
For our music video, myself, Sophie & Asa have discussed the video to include both narrative and performance. We will include 5 main cast members, three taking the roles of the band members, we have asked Melodie Abraham and Annie Cutillo for taking those roles, but we need to fill the parts of the main male role as well as the female role, and another band member. The video will take place in three main locations: Train station, a street, and a cafe. The reason for picking three locations is because each band member will come into each location and sing to the characters, but the characters will not acknowledge the singer and be arguing. The video is based on a break-up, some videos I have looked at that are based around the 'Break-Up' topic is:

NSYNC's 'bye bye bye'
No Doubts 'Don't Speak'
& a more recent song Cee lo greens 'forget you'.
The video will also include flashbacks, this will shown the audience times when the couple were good together or what started the break-up to happen, so we would then change the location for this, possibly more romantic places, such as the 'cow and calf rocks' or the park.
To show the audience signs of tension and anger, Asa thought that a picture being smashed would be good to include, also we thought flowers being given one minute and then broken and thrown on the ground another is a good signifier for this.
The target audience will be 15-24, many people in that age range can relate to the way our video will be presented.
Sophie and I will be doing some sample footage this week so soon enough we can show you what shots we are thinking about, and the locations.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
KM - Spike Jonze case study
WIKI - 'Spike Jonze October 22, 1969) is an American director, producer and actor, whose work includes music videos, commercials, film and television. He is best known for his collaborations with writer Charlie Kaufman, which include the 1999 film Being John Malkovich (that gave him an Academy Award for Best Director nomination) and the 2002 film Adaptation, and direction of the 2009 film Where the Wild Things Are. He is well known also for his music video collaborations with Weezer, Beastie Boys, and Björk. He was also a co-creator and executive producer of MTV's Jackass. He is currently the creative director of VBS.tv. He is also part owner of skateboard company Girl Skateboards with riders Rick Howard and Mike Carroll.'
"He also co - founded 'Directors Label' with film makers Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry."
Spike Jonze's IMDB
Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win (short)
"He also co - founded 'Directors Label' with film makers Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry."
Spike Jonze's IMDB
Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win (short)
2004Weezer: Video Capture Device - Treasures from the Vault 1991-2002 (video documentary) (videos "Undone - The Sweater Song", "Buddy Holly", "Island in the Sun [2nd Version]")
2000Beastie Boys: Video Anthology (video documentary) (videos "Sabotage", "Sure Shot", "Ricky's Theme", "Ciao L.A.")
1991Video Days (video short)
He has also directed Films such as
- Jackass the movie
- Being John Malkovich
- Where the wild things are.
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