Sunday 27 November 2011

AN - Sample footage 2.

Next week, we will be filming a second set of sample footage in which we'll be using the same segment of song heard in the previous sample footage. However, it will different because we'll be filming the girlfriend's aftermath of the break up.

Like I said in this week's podcast, we've got an actor to play the girlfriend, Francesca Fox. By filming this footage, we'll be able to have an idea of what we'll be filming involving the scenes with the girlfriend.

Similar to the first scenario, the girlfriend will be walking around Ilkley feeling the depression of the breakup. For example, she will go into Caffe Nero and sit at a table all by herself. The footage will be sped up at one point to signify the passage of time.

Finally for the last set of the sample footage, we will get both sets of footage and put them into different frames. By doing this, we will be able to test out the split screen idea

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