Friday, 30 September 2011

Sean Kingston - Party all night Music video.

In the lesson today we have been looking at the 'Party all night (sleep all day)' music video although we only looked at the first minute of the video the class in general agreed we didn't think it was well special and unique as videos like this have been done repeatedly over and over again for example out of the fifteen i have deconstructed two of my boy band videos are very similar although we thought this video is particular was boring, there was little shot variation in the music video which were also repeated mainly two shots medium shots and medium close up close of his face, his body was avoided and though harsh, this is linked to weight and the shots used reflect this as usually male artist such as the likes of 50 cent in particular has the iconic male body. The representation 'fat people are jolly' is used which links to the tittle 'Party all night (sleep all day)' signifying stereotypes of the youth lifestyle as unhealthy.

There is little shot variation as I said mainly medium shots and medium close ups, the medium shots track across the room showing the people at the party. The artist is also centre framed in the shots which is repeated throughout.

There are a number of challenges we came up with if we were to do a remake:

  1.  The video is all fast paced editing therefor we would have to spend a long time editing the video.
  2. On screen at the beginning and centre of the video there is 3D comic like text that appears on screen.
  3. There are also a number of tracking shots that would be hard to replicate as in professionally shot music video the camera is on a track which is timed at a certain speed to capture the perfect tracking shot that doesn't shake and is accurate but unfortunately our school is not equipt with this kind of professional equipment.

1 comment:

  1. remember the point about missy elliott, and the use of fisheye lens in some of her classic vids?


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